Sure perhaps when you hear 504 plan it doesn't sound too exciting, but you know what is exciting? Proper care for your chid while they are at school. Type 1 diabetes is a 24 hour a day disease and no one can afford to ignore a third of those hours just because they happen at school. There is however a way to maintain the level of care that you have at home while you little (or not so little) one is away at school - get a 504 plan! And it's easier than you think.

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Show Notes

Arden's 504 Plan is available to download on my blog -Arden's Day 504

Actual good info about North Dakota is here on Wikipedia.

Attn: Android users... The JBP is now available on Google Play!

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My type 1 diabetes parenting blog Arden's Day

Listen to the Juicebox Podcast online

Read my award winning memoir: Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal: Confessions of a Stay-At-Home Dad

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@ArdensDay @JuiceboxPodcast

Disclaimer - Nothing you hear on the Juicebox Podcast or read on Arden's Day is intended as medical advice. You should always consult a physician before making changes to your health plan.