As probably every book podcast is doing, we read A Wrinkle in Time before the movie comes out! This is a book Meghan read as a kid, but Stephanie and our guest had not read before. We discuss how it feels to read a kids/middle school grade book as an adult, some of our other childhood favorite books (Stephanie and Meghan read a lot of YA horror books?) 

Ileana discusses if this book is the basis for Scientology — we are hoping to get an academic paper out of it, Meghan tries to make IT in this book and It (Pennywise) should be the same thing. 

Thanks to Stephanie, we realize this book is riddled with Mayan names and literary allegories, and how this book refreshed our imaginations. 

We also briefly discuss the movie and how we are all optimistic about the casting and director and costume designer! 

Favorite Childhood books discussed:
Babysitters Club series
RL Stine and Christopher Pike
The Golden Compass series

Book Drink: hot tea or cocoa — Ileana also discusses a Silverfizz drink off-air that seemed perfect. 

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