For her special re-launch series Adversity to Inspiration, Joann Tierney-Daniels, a Health, Weight Loss, and Mindset coach, sits down with 10 special guests who have overcome adversity and are impacting the world in a positive manner. In this episode, Joann poses her signature series question, "What was a pivotal moment in your life you didn’t see coming that changed the trajectory of your life and prompted some form of personal growth?" to Aric Morrison. 

Aric is an award-winning author. He has faced many forms of adversity in his life, including sudden loss, critical illness, divorce, and the challenges associated with raising a child with a disability. He lives every day with the ongoing mortality of his child. Aric's purpose is to help others who feel overwhelmed or desperate to navigate the difficulties in their lives. He guides them through fluctuating emotions, confusion, and their decision-making processes.

To learn more about Joann Tierney-Daniels visit You can find additional information about Aric Morrison on Instagram @adversityrockstar.