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Episode 2.

Direct Download Link for this Episode:HERE

Vidoll released their first full length on Nov 22 titled VID "Very important Doll"

This 12 track album really spotlights Vidoll's pinancle of their evolution as a band to date and is quite fantastic to listen to. One of Vidoll's weaknesses in the past was a lack of coheasion between vocals and the instrumental work. VID has none of this and is quite polished and a fine synthsis of exceptional vocal,lyrical & instrumental work.
From all the tracks i have listened off this album it is quite apparent that this is going to be the vehicle which will propel Vidoll from their graduation from Under Code to the majors.

This week the Podcast Track List is following:

Phantasmagoria-Cruel Crucible
Duel Jewel-Chinmoku
Duel Jewel-Promise
Lolita 23q-Sanzen suika suishou
Lolita 23q-Tenjyou Aquarium
Despairs Ray-Dears
Despairs Ray-Tsuki no Kioku

Featured Albums

Phantasmagoria-Synthesis Songs Mini-Album:HERE

Vidoll- V.I.D Album Featured Songs ~ Nectar & Olivia HERE

Despairs Ray-Coll Set Album. Featured Songs ~ Dears & Tsuki no Kioku HERE

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