Louise O'Reilly is a Warra-Noongar woman creating cultural inclusion, diversity, equity and allyship in business with her profound work. She works with entrepreneurs to develop expansive leadership that creates a positive impact in the world including how to be a true ally for our most marginalised people.

In this insightful, deep and honest conversation, we go places where many wouldn't be brave enough to go. Louise guides us to see the blind spots on the periphery of our culture and society and brings them into focus as she shares painful truths of her lived experience as a First Nations woman, once a child trying to make sense of her world. You will see through the stories she shares that Louise was born to do this work and gain incredible insight into the ways she calls out injustice and guides allies towards a better future for all.

I am a proud member of Louise’s Inclusion Creators Collective Membership and absolutely love the way that Louise guides me and others to unpack their unconscious bias and create safer space. If you're a coach, healer, or consultant, I highly recommend this membership as a place where you can unpack your privilege and reveal unconscious biases with a person of lived experience.

Louise has generally offered Joyous Journeys listeners access to some of her incredible resources via these links and I absolutely recommend that you take her up on it.

Fcuk the Status Quo, You're here to be a Socially responsible CEO https://sunny-experimenter-3185.ck.page/2f4d5f0108 You get 3x 1hr workshops sent to you over 3 days when you sign up to my email list.

Uncovering Unconcsious Bias Workshop on Racism https://louise-oreilly.thinkific.com/courses/uub-racism (use the code unpacking to get 100% off)

Website: https://louiseoreilly.com.au/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/louise.oreilly.shieldandconch/

Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@louise_oreilly


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