Here are the things to expect in the episode:

Are parents to blame for children's behavior?What can a parent do to be a better parent?What parenting tools can parents use to help themselves and their children?Is it ever too late to help a child with their development?How does gratitude play a massive part in parenting?And much more!


About Ken and Amy:

Kent and Amy Bowler help families connect to God solidly and know with a surety who they are as God’s children so that they choose to stand up and live with God’s power and strength as His modern-day Heroes.  We have been training parents to work effectively with their youth for over a decade and have been mentoring and coaching youth for 25 years.  They have 7 heroes of their own, 6 grandchildren, and have been homeschooling from the beginning of time!

With Revolutionary Families, they highlight powerful paradigms and simple solutions that they have put to the test to help families create a home that is a sanctuary from a troubled world, a place where children feel safe, trusted, and loved, a place where they learn to step into their genius, to take on real responsibility, and to stand in their greatness as they make a meaningful difference for good in the world. In short, they help Parents to raise Heroes.


Connect with Kent and Amy Bowler!





Connect with Wendi Bergin!


