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Elena Danaan
This is the true story of an abduction and a rescue by benevolent extraterrestrials, various direct contacts Elena Danaan had throughout the years with UFOs and visitors from other worlds. This book includes as well an illustrated descriptive of 110 different alien races involved with our planet, detailed information about groups and alliances in this galaxy and precious information, as well as a map of the sky with locations of alien life. This book contains also beautiful messages of hope for humanity. This book has been expected for a long time. It brings support and understanding to all those who have been through the ordeal of alien abduction, answering many questions. Born in France, Elena Danaan graduated in Fine Arts in Paris and completed a Post-Grad in Archaeology at the Louvre University. She worked as field Archaeologist twenty years of her life, among which eight years in Egypt as an engineer epigraphist for the CNRS (Karnak, Luxor, Cairo, Dendera and Valley of the Kings) before returning to France, assigned to the University of Toulouse. Completing studies in Druidry, Shamanism, energy and sound healing, she is actually working as a spiritual practitioner.

Elena Danaan Book - 'A Gift From The Stars' - Order here:

Dr. Michael Salla is an internationally recognized scholar in international politics, conflict resolution and U.S. foreign policy. He has held academic appointments in the School of International Service & the Center for Global Peace, American University, Washington D.C. (1996-2004); the Department of Political Science, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (1994-96); and the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, Washington D.C. (2002). He has a Ph.D in Government from the University of Queensland, Australia. During his academic career he was the author/editor of four books focusing on international politics. Dr. Salla has conducted research and fieldwork in ethnic conflicts involving East Timor, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Sri Lanka. He has been awarded significant financial grants from the United States Institute of Peace and the Ford Foundation for peacemaking initiatives. involving mid-to-high level participants from the East Timor conflict.

Dr. Salla is more popularly known as a pioneer in the development of 'exopolitics', the study of the main actors, institutions and political processes associated with extraterrestrial life. He wrote the first published book on 'exopolitics' in 2004, titled Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence, and followed this with Exposing U.S. Government Policies on Extraterrestrial Life in 2009, Galactic Diplomacy in 2013; and Kennedy's Last Stand (2013), which investigated the relationship between classified UFO's and the Kennedy Assassination.