When I first started Journey To Launch, it was primarily to chronicle my journey to launch to Financial Independence. I had no way of knowing then, that today, this very same outlet that helps me share my journey and connect with so many people would cause the biggest detour on my Financial Independence path.

Being able to do something I love and potentially make a living from it has allowed me to reach my dream of freedom way earlier than I could have ever expected. While striving to reach the ultimate goal of financial independence, I’ve found a way to achieve a freedom today that I would not have otherwise have known.

On today’s podcast, I’m talking about:

How I came to the decision to quit my 6-figure job Why I decided now was the best time to walk away How this changes my Financial Independence journey The financial, mental & emotional things I did to prepare for this big life change Future plans for me and Journey To Launch

At the end of the podcast, I also talk about the waitlist to the soft launch of my monthly membership program. Get monthly tips, tools, and classes to help you launch to Financial Freedom. Click here to sign up and be the first to be notified when the doors open in Summer/Fall 2018.


Other related blog posts/links mentioned in this episode:

Join The Weekly Newsletter List Leave me a voicemail– Leave me a question on the Journey To Launch voicemail and have it answered on the podcast! Watch me on News12  Watch my latest segments on News12 My One on One Money Coaching Services – Get my personalized 1on1 money coaching expertise to help you reach your financial goals YNAB –  Start managing your money and budgeting so that you can reach your financial dreams. Sign up for a free 2 month trial of YNAB, my go-to budgeting app by using my referral link.