One of the best things about the journey to Financial Independence is that while planning for early retirement, it is not always a requirement to forsake your other life goals. Tanja Hester, the blogger behind the Plutus Award-winning early retirement blog, Our Next Life, set out on the journey with her husband Mark to retire at the end of 2017.

Our Next Life, places a huge focus on putting life goals first and then building money goals around them–not the other way around. In fact, Tanja Hester became financially independent at the age of 36 and retired early at the age of 38, all despite never being a super saver or even naturally good with money. Tanja has graced the show with very practical advice for all journeyers at any place on the path to FI. 

In this episode we discuss:

What caused her to start the path and how she managed to keep it a secret from her job What retirement actually means to her Health considerations for someone looking to retire early Tanja’s blog post, "What FIRE bloggers owe their readers" Practical advice for people who want to start or who are on this path Advice for high earners vs mid-low earners

At the end of the podcast, I also talk about the waitlist to the soft launch of my monthly membership program. Get monthly tips, tools, and classes to help you launch to Financial Freedom. Click here to sign up and be the first to be notified when the doors open in Summer/Fall 2018.

Other related blog posts/links mentioned in this episode:

Our Next Life Blog The Fire Blogger Manifesto Join The Weekly Newsletter List Leave me a voicemail– Leave me a question on the Journey To Launch voicemail and have it answered on the podcast! Watch me on News12  Watch my latest segments on News12 My One on One Money Coaching Services – Get my personalized 1on1 money coaching expertise to help you reach your financial goals YNAB –  Start managing your money and budgeting so that you can reach your financial dreams. Sign up for a free 2 month trial of YNAB, my go-to budgeting app by using my referral link.

Connect with Tanja:

Instagram: @our_nextlife Twitter: @our_nextlife Facebook: Our Next Life

Connect with me:

Instagram: @journeytolaunch Twitter: @JourneyToLaunch Facebook: Journey To Launch Join the private Facebook Group

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