I decided to finally record a podcast with my biggest supporter and the silent partner of Journey To Launch, my husband.

Not only will you get to know me a little better because I'm giving you more of a sneak peek into my personal life but it may also help you think of ways to talk to your partner about finances.

Here are just some of the things we discuss:

His personal relationship with money and what he did and didn't learn from his parents about money growing up How he felt when I first told him I wanted to retire early and leave my corporate job What made him feel comfortable with raising his retirement contributions from 3% to 50% of his paycheck If he still want's to work after I "retire" His desire for a new car and if he feels our financial goals are too restricting How he thinks having a 3rd child will impact our finances If he supports Journey To Launch plus much more!


Other related blog posts/links mentioned in this episode:

The Online Budget Boot Camp - It's time for you to take back control over your finances once and for all and start to feel confident and sure about your finances. Stop living paycheck to paycheck and get ahead of the bills that keep piling up so that you can create the extra cushion in your cash flow to pay off debt and start investing. Grab your seat at the Budget Boot Camp to conquer your budget once and for all!

The 3 Budget Killers Video - Check out the three costly budget mistakes to avoid so that you can finally start to feel confident about your finances!

What Kind of Journeyer Are You? - Take the quiz to find out where you are on the Journeyer scale.

Watch me on News12

My One on One Money Coaching Services

The Wealth Building Manual

YNAB –  Start managing your money and budgeting so that you can reach your financial dreams. Sign up for a free 2 month trial of YNAB, my go-to budgeting app by using my referral link.


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