I had the pleasure of meeting Masami to talk about her new online program with The Shift Network called
Practices to Clear Your Energy Channels, Alleviate Stress & Anxiety and we had an instant connection!

  So I'm so excited to share this podcast conversation where we talk about:  

1. EMF sensitivities and what to do about it
2. How to clear negative energies or blockages out of the body to create space for healing
3. How Masami became a Health Intuitive
4. Why affirmations don't usually work (and feel so 2001...)
5. How to use the breath to move energy in your body and life
6. How to access the flow of life and channel it in your everyday life
7. Pranayams to get sluggish energy out and feel re-energize
8. Letting go of labels that are keeping us stuck and sick
9. The importance of balancing emotional work with physical work (gut healing, liver detox...)
10. How emotions get stored in the body and how to move them out


Shownotes: https://journeytoglow.com/64


Once you've listened to the episode, go sign up for Masami's free online webinar called Practices to Clear Your Energy Channels, Alleviate Stress & Anxiety.


In this 60-minute, free online event, you’ll discover:

The importance of clearing your lymphatic system in the brain (called the glymphatic system) to prevent cognitive decline and promote healthy aging Why physical, mental, and emotional blockages stay stuck in our bodies, causing more chronic symptoms How physiological stress can become Bodily Karma How you are the conduit of Cosmic Flow, connecting heaven and earth A way you can switch to your parasympathetic nervous system (healing, digesting, relaxing) through personal touch


Masami will demonstrate practices you can use time and again that will help remove waste and debris from your brain, create calmness and contentment, and leave you clear-headed and revitalized.


She’ll also lead you in a meditation to ease and settle your nervous system.


This total-body-relaxation practice will have you moving and flowing freely, feeling the clarity and intention guiding you, clearing away your anxiety, stagnation, and brain fog — cleansing your mind and body — while strengthening your ability to stay present in a state of calm.


If you're ready to try something new (and amazing) to support you on your journey to glow, do yourself a favor and sign up for her free webinar.


Website journeytoglow.com 
Instagram instagram.com/lovemyjourneytoglow
Facebook facebook.com/lovemyjourneytoglow
Youtube youtube.com/journeytoglow Business Coaching & Consulting carolinefrenette.com