Today on the Journey To Glow podcast we talk to Zoe Vezina of Wellbeinginbloom about healing perioral dermatitis by healing the gut and lowering stress and anxiety in our everyday life.


About our guest 


Zoe Vezina is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist specializing in acne and perioral dermatitis. She became interested in the world of health and wellness after struggling with her own health for well over a decade. After years of painful gut problems and cystic acne, she enrolled in the Canadian School for Natural Nutrition in Vancouver BC with the hopes that she could heal herself, without the use of toxic pills and creams. Since then she’s been able to find the answers to her symptoms and has healed her gut and cleared her skin of both acne and perioral dermatitis. She now helps women who are in search of holistic, lasting solutions for their skin.


In this interview we cover:


The trial an error of figuring out a difficult skin condition on your own The difference between Perioral and contact dermatitis   The link between Perioral Dermatitis and histamine intolerance SIBO and Perioral Dermatitis Functional testing for gut issues Demodex mites reaction and rosacea versus perioral dermatitis How Zoe damaged her skin even more by overusing essential oils How to prepare yourself to work with a functional practitioner and choosing the right functional tests which can be costly


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Today on the Journey To Glow podcast we talk to Zoe Vezina of Wellbeinginbloom about healing perioral dermatitis by healing the gut and lowering stress and anxiety in our everyday life.


About our guest 


Zoe Vezina is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist specializing in acne and perioral dermatitis. She became interested in the world of health and wellness after struggling with her own health for well over a decade. After years of painful gut problems and cystic acne, she enrolled in the Canadian School for Natural Nutrition in Vancouver BC with the hopes that she could heal herself, without the use of toxic pills and creams. Since then she’s been able to find the answers to her symptoms and has healed her gut and cleared her skin of both acne and perioral dermatitis. She now helps women who are in search of holistic, lasting solutions for their skin.


In this interview we cover:


The trial an error of figuring out a difficult skin condition on your own The difference between Perioral and contact dermatitis   The link between Perioral Dermatitis and histamine intolerance SIBO and Perioral Dermatitis Functional testing for gut issues Demodex mites reaction and rosacea versus perioral dermatitis How Zoe damaged her skin even more by overusing essential oils How to prepare yourself to work with a functional practitioner and choosing the right functional tests which can be costly


Sign up to our free webinar The Key To healing Rosacea


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