In this episode of the Journey To Glow podcast, we talk to author, chef, podcast host and super fun gal Phoebe Lapine of SIBO Made Simple.


Phoebe Lapine is a food and health writer, gluten-free chef, wellness personality, culinary instructor, award-winning blogger at, recipe developer, Hashimoto’s advocate, podcast host and speaker, born and raised in New York City, where she continues to live and eat.

  In this episode, Phoebe Lapine and Journey To Glow host Caroline Frenette explore:


Phoebe’s Wellness Project which became a book Simple but high impact changes in your diet 3 things to remove from your diet that will have an almost overnight impact on your energy + health The foods Phoebe gave up that cleared her recurring perioral dermatitis in 3 weeks (and it never came back) How Phoebe discovered she had SIBO Are SIBO tests reliable? Should you test for SIBO if you don’t have the symptoms? How to pinpoint the root cause of your SIBO The link between SIBO and rosacea Phoebe’s health team and how to create your own team of health allies


We also have a new segment called “Caroline Loves” where I share my favorite supplements for clear & glowing skin. This segment is the first of 3 parts, so make sure you subscribe to the podcast!


You can also read my comprehensive blog post on supplements to support skin health here:


Download the (FREE) guide Essential Radiance: Caroline's Top 5 Essential Oils For Radiant Skin


Download the (FREE) guide My Skin is In Crisis, Now What?


Links mentioned in this episode


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Please share this episode with anyone who needs to hear this information to feel empowered on her journey to glow!


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