Melissa shares how she healed her skin by eliminating inflammatory foods and tapping into her inner healer for guidance.    Download the (FREE) guide Essential Radiance: Caroline's Top 5 Essential Oils For Radiant Skin   In this episode, Melissa talks to Journey To Glow host Caroline Frenette about:


The chemicals and toxic ingredients in beauty products that disrupt your hormones Cleaning up your beauty cabinet and your make up bag How to identify greenwashing: “natural” doesn’t always mean it’s truly natural  Tests to help you pinpoint the cause of your skin imbalance Simple steps to start making healthy changes in your diet to clear your skin Tips to help your skin glow from the inside out Eliminating foods that create inflammation in your body


Links mentioned in this episode:


Youtube Caroline's coaching website:

Melissa shares how she healed her skin by eliminating inflammatory foods and tapping into her inner healer for guidance.    Download the (FREE) guide Essential Radiance: Caroline's Top 5 Essential Oils For Radiant Skin   In this episode, Melissa talks to Journey To Glow host Caroline Frenette about:


The chemicals and toxic ingredients in beauty products that disrupt your hormones Cleaning up your beauty cabinet and your make up bag How to identify greenwashing: “natural” doesn’t always mean it’s truly natural  Tests to help you pinpoint the cause of your skin imbalance Simple steps to start making healthy changes in your diet to clear your skin Tips to help your skin glow from the inside out Eliminating foods that create inflammation in your body


Links mentioned in this episode:


Website  Instagram Facebook Youtube Caroline's coaching website: