September is Suicide Awareness month.  So all of this month, I'll be interviewing people who have a relationship with this subject in some capacity.  We start by talking with Melissa Barasona.  Melissa is passionate about mental health awareness and suicide prevention.  She joins us with a masters in teaching, which gives her front line experience in helping our youth with these subjects.  Part of our goal with todays talk is to normalize conversations around suicide and mental health, as well as to raise awareness that this is a more common thought pattern than we may have believed.  Through our chat today, we look at how we can help in these situation.  Whether we are the parent, friend, sibling or whatever role you play in this situation, there are things we can do to help deescalate the situation, or find the right people who can help.  As Jordan Peterson says, "don't underestimate the hole your absence would leave."  Hold on.  Reach out.  Find help.


Connect with Melissa Barasona

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Email I [email protected]

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