Ben, who would like to go as just Ben today, is part of a church that utilizes different types of medicines like Ayahuasca & Kambo during their services. When I first met Ben and heard about this, I was a mixed bag of emotions. At first I was excited to be having a random conversation about ayahuasca, but at the same time I was very confused as to how I personally felt about taking a medicine like this in a religious setting. Today Ben is going to talk to us about how the church that he is a part of combines these medicines and religious practices together and the benefits that he has witnessed. We'll also talk about his use of these medicines and others in the Men's Groups that he is part of, as well as the work he has been doing with MDMA assisted therapies. Ben is a wealth of knowledge and has a beautiful way of presenting the information. 


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Another Podcast by Adam Riehl I Zen and Not Zen

Adam Yoga & Sound Baths I  I

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