Did you know that today is your birthday—and mine, too?

Believers the world over celebrate Pentecost Sunday as the birthday of our Church. Fifty days after Easter, the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles and gave them the gift of tongues. From that day forward, they were missioners of the Gospel, fortified with the Holy Spirit to make disciples of all nations. Because we are part of the universal Church—missioners called to love and serve the Lord—today is our birthday, too.

On that first Pentecost Sunday, Peter called all those present to be baptized—many thousands who had gathered for a Jewish festival. These men and women were among the first Christians, and Peter our first Pope. Their devotion to Christ and one another was the seed that would grow our Church over the centuries.

The day we were baptized is the day we received the same call to love and serve the Lord. On Pentecost Sunday, God reminds us that each of us is a unique messenger with special gifts, charged with making our own contribution to the life of the Church, and with transforming our world. No one else can do what each of us is capable of achieving! Why would we lose or overlook an opportunity to share the Gospel? Sometimes witnessing a simple act of faith through prayer, Mass, or the sacraments is all it takes to bring someone into the life of our Church. Today is a good day to remember that our lives will be a fulfillment of God’s divine plan if we just open a path for the Holy Spirit.

Friend, today though the parishes that can celebrate together will probably not sing there is a hymn you may remember from childhood. May these words be part of your birthday celebration that lasts all year long:

Come, Holy Spirit, Creator blest,
and in our souls take up the rest;
Come with the grace and heavenly aid
to fill the hearts which thou hast made.