Resolutions are for the birds! They are hard to make & even harder to keep. The ink is barely dry on the paper where we have written our resolutions when we are desperately searching for ways to break them. Sometimes, we don't even have to search very hard. Then we end up frustrated & wasting another year making not forward, positive progress in our lives!

For 2015, skip the resolutions & decide to set goals. Not a huge list of goals but simply 4-5, even 2-3 if the goals are important enough. How do you ensure you accomplish your goals this year? By using the simple process Jean Ann is offering in this week's series of programs. First, Jean Ann explains the importance of avoiding resolutions & the importance of goals, then she shares 4 ingredients to help you set goals & accomplish them!

2015 lays before you like a blank canvas.! You can walk away from it, you can make a mess of itr it or you can create a thing of beauty for the world to see! The choice is yours! Enjoy!

For more ways to live a Life os Simple Joy, please visit my blog: