Christmas is a time of celebration and joy. It is also a time of stress and chaos for the women struggling to keep up with Holiday preparations on top of their regular responsibilities.

The Guilty Mommy  Christmas Survival Guide helps you discover ways to find peace and joy in the season once again.

Each episode offers you a tool to reduced Christmas stress, increase Holiday joy,& control the fear that causes you to overreact.

Jean Ann offers advice, tips, ideas, and more to help you prepare for Christmas one day at a time. Jean Ann helps you reduce the stress of the season by breaking down all the tasks that need to be accomplished into daily bits and pieces.

In this episode, Jean Ann explains why YOU are your greatest resource this Christmas..

 Put the joy back into your Christmas one day at a time with The Guilty Mommy Christmas Survival Guide.

More Christmas tips for Guilty Mommies may be found at my blog