While Signora Psyche Zenobia is strolling through the streets of Edina with her poodle, Diana, and her servant, she is drawn to a large cathedral.  Seeking a better view of the city, she finds herself in a predicament.

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Poe Theatre on the Air is a production of the National Edgar Allan Poe Theatre. Each episode is an adaption of a different Edgar Allan Poe short story. While by-and-large faithful to the source material, the writers make sure to put their own spin on the stories. This largely relates to the framing device. The framing device is that you, the listener, are a guest at the asylum of Dr. Maillard. He has developed a radical new treatment to cure the mentally crippled, and he considers all of the inmates his children who have lost their way. Each of the inmates are the protagonist of a different Edgar Allen Poe short story, and they will be sharing their tales with us. -- Sam McDonald of  The Audiophile blog

Theme music: Liberator by Man In Space 
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