Nick Long and I are happy to announce the show many of us have been waiting for. Journey Into The Light is back after our dear friend Michael Long passed away suddenly February 13th the day before Valentines. He was only 54. He left a son, daughter and wife and countless followers and friends from his radio show. Michael Long was an outstanding radio host for Journey Into the Light going back 10 years. He was and is still showering the homeless with love from the otherside. He was so dedicated to the Homeless Mission, "Love In Action" He always thought of others first and family was the most important thing to him. Being married to his best friend for 30 years family always came first. He loved the mountains, snow and cold weather. Michael valued his friends and according to Nick was the best father anyone could ever hope for.

So many of us never got a chance to say good-bye to Michael. We invite you to join us friends, followers and listeners this Sunday 7:00CT where Nick and I will take your calls for mini readings. If you would like to call and say a few words about Michael and how he touched your life, we would love to hear from you.

Please join us Sunday, November 4th @ 7:00CT