Jonathan is the real deal, a natural born medium and a sensitive. This means he was born with the gift of Spirit communication and knowledge. He has never been trained as a Medium or a Clairvoyant, this innate gift is one of Jonathan’s callings in this life.

Jonathan is an Internationally Renowned Intuitive Medium and has been delivering messages of love and validation for over 15 years.  Not only does Jonathan bring strong validation and evidential information from loved ones who have passed,  but healing messages as well. He has a direct communication channel to your loved ones on the other side. Jonathan believes that we all have the gift of communication, a direct channel with spirit that grows as we become more aware of our inner light and higher self.

Jonathan offers individual, group and gallery readings and classes. He also  does Facebook live readings with spirit messages every Wednesday at 9 p.m. Eastern. Please follow Jonathan on Facebook to be alerted about upcoming events.

In addition, Jonathan is a regular co-host on Blog Talk Radio’s Journey Into The Light program. Episodes of this popular spiritual program are available on the website.

For information and pricing about Group and Gallery readings, please visit Jon's website :