Previous Episode: All the Money in the World
Next Episode: Karrie Garcia

Message Summary: The movie gives us a picture or an allegory of a “celebration of humanity” through a new kind of humanity made possible by Jesus. We often design a world that traps us in a life that is less than the one God envisions for us. We need a new vision. If we want to move toward humanity 2.0, we must be aware and healed of the hole in our souls. The temptation to go back to the old way of life will often come when we are at an advantage. We must be aware and avoid it. It won’t be easy so we must keep our eyes on the JOY that is God’s endgame for us. God starts us on our way to humanity 2.0 as we embrace imago dei, as we give God full responsibility to bring beauty through our lives and to redeem the broken part of us.

Series: Movies have a way of communicating unlike any other art form. In them, we find powerful stories of the human experience—an experience marked by intersection with the divine. Whether filmmakers know it or not, God’s fingerprints can be found all over their stories. We’ll take some of the most popular films from the last year and look at how we can find God at the movies.

*Message Podcast only. Video messages are not available for this series*