Previous Episode: Black Panther
Next Episode: Wonder

Message Summary: The story of Winston Churchill parallels that of the Biblical Esther. Both were raised up by God to take their people through crucial moments. As we move through our own dark hours, we need to realize that our self-talk can weaken or strengthen us. We must also realize that as we keep moving, our faith will increase because God will show up. We come to know that God can repurpose our past- even our failures. A community of Christ followers can serve to call out greatness and our destiny from us. Take a moment to reflect three questions to ask ourselves as we consider the way through our darkest hours.

Series: Movies have a way of communicating unlike any other art form. In them, we find powerful stories of the human experience—an experience marked by intersection with the divine. Whether filmmakers know it or not, God’s fingerprints can be found all over their stories. We’ll take some of the most popular films from the last year and look at how we can find God at the movies.

*Message Podcast only. Video messages are not available for this series*