It’s not a rosy outlook by any means, but the mood of finance decision-makers has brightened in the past three months. That’s according to a third-quarter survey of CPA decision-makers in business and industry. Optimism is rising, along with projections on revenue for the coming 12 months. Also, inflation is no longer the top challenge chosen by respondents.

 Ken Witt, CPA, CGMA, AICPA & CIMA's associate technical director – Reasearch and Development, discusses the results of the Business and Industry Economic Outlook Survey in this podcast episode.

What you’ll learn from this episode:

·         The decline in the percentage of respondents expecting their businesses to contract.

·         A breakdown of how CPA decision-makers in business and industry feel about the likelihood of a recession.

·         The top challenges facing finance executives.

·         What Witt calls the “keynote stat” to monitor leading up to the fourth-quarter survey results.