Marty Finn, CPA/PFS, J.D., LL.M., is an ENGAGE co-chair, focusing on tax, personal financial planning, and estate planning topics for the event, which begins June 3. Finn got his start on conference committees after meeting Sid Kess, a legendary tax practitioner and mentor who died in September at age 97.

The advice of Kess has stuck with Finn, and Finn believes that an emphasis on top-notch speakers and topics is what has made ENGAGE and its predecessor events valuable to CPAs for years.


ENGAGE registration information and agenda A remembrance of Sid Kess, by Andrea Millar, CPA/PFS “Summing Up Sid” podcast episode from September Longtime AICPA CEO Barry Melancon announces his retirement

What you’ll learn from this episode:

First, a word on the news of the week: AICPA CEO Barry Melancon announces plan to retire. Melancon is scheduled to be at ENGAGE, a signature AICPA event that Finn looks forward to each year. Finn’s explanation of the Sid Kess Rule. The topics that are expected to be addressed in a panel discussion that Finn will moderate. The importance of, and timeline for, the sunset of several key provisions of the legislation known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Why Finn says that the opportunities for tax-focused CPAs in the area of advisory services will continue to grow. One last bit of Kess advice for getting the most out of conference attendance.