We traveled from Delft, Netherlands to Brugge Belgium. We spent 2 days in Brugge. I guess I got too confidant and happy with the weather because Friday in Delft was really rainy as was Saturday and Sunday. Of course the weather cleared up for our train ride back to Marburg yesterday.(cause you know that it […]

We traveled from Delft, Netherlands to Brugge Belgium. We spent 2 days in Brugge. I guess I got too confidant and happy with the weather because Friday in Delft was really rainy as was Saturday and Sunday. Of course the weather cleared up for our train ride back to Marburg yesterday.(cause you know that it is better to have sunshine and blue sky on a day that you are stuck inside a metal box at 290 km/hr, not when you are walking a round a town [sarcasm]) Naww, Brugge was beautiful no matter what the weather was like. The city is so old, so many old buildings and TONS of shops on every street. There were canals, french fry stands, waffles, chocolate shops,anything you could want.


We took two tours while we were there: the belfry – The belfry was built in 1300 and is really really tall. you can see so far over the city from the top! it also is a functioning carrillon which is like an organ but with bells. They have concerts every sunday at 2:15 and it is really cool to hear familiar songs come out of the old building (including the song “The Entertainer.”

Brugge from the belfry

We spent much of our time doing 2 things, sitting in the town square eating fries, drinking beer and watching people. the other time was spent walking through all the streets of the city. the architecture is so cool, and there are beautiful churches everywhere. It is really interesting to think of all the different types of people that have done the same thing as me. There were people durring the 40’s walking up the same stairs in the belfry when the war was over, hippies in the 60’s eating frites in the square, and ladies with big shoulder pads in the 80’s purchasing chocolate in the litle shops, not to mention all the medievel people with funny wigs and horses crapping all over the streets.

We also took a nice tour of a brewery. The lady gave the tour in French and English and was very good at both. It was really cool to see all the old brewery stuff and to learn a little bit about how beer is made. Of course a brewery tour wouldn’t be complete without beer so we drank one on the house and went on our way.

We took a break from the sighseeing and went to see a movie (yes they even have a movie theatre in this medievel city) We saw Mr. and Mrs Smith starring Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. The movie was subtitled in both Dutch and French, lucky for me though they kept the English audio. It was a fun action movie…thats it but it was great to ake a break and listen to some English and be entertained.

When we left the theatre the city, we found ourselves in the city square that was lit up so beautifuly. the night ended with a few beers in Charlie Rockets, a hostel/bar kind of like the one we stayed at. (thanks DK)

Brugge at night

We spent our two nights sleeping at a hostel named the Bauhaus, it was a great place to stay because we had our own room with 2 beds (pay a little more, get better accomodations) I don’t think we would have enjoyed ourselves very much if we were in one of the larger rooms. Either way, we only paid 17 euro a night per person.

Our hostel room

ok so i bought lots of chocolate that I will bring home, and some other souveniers…so I’ll be home soon enough to share them with people back in the States.

This afternoon we go to Emmendingen in the black forest to go backpacking and to see Dirk’s aunt and uncle. Then to Munich and Berchtesgaden National Park…I hope my access to the internet is not too limited because I want to keep updating…

Have a fun time where ever you are, I will try to do the same.

Lesson Learned since last time: Belgians know how to do beer and chocolate!

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