Hey guys, it's the last Thursday of the month and you know what that means! Our favorite Astrologer Dave Gunning is joining is tonight. TONIGHTS TOPIC IS PLUTO TRANSITING IN AQUARIS You can call in for ONE FREE PSYCHIC QUESTION And join us live by going to BlogTalkRadio.com/JorianneTheCoffeePsychic at 8:00pm CST tonight Jan 30th, 2024 the live call in number is 1-347-633-9404 make sure you limit your self to one question as there are a lot of people w.ho call in and we would like to give everybody a chance to get theor questions answered also.

to reach Dave, for a chart, you can reach him at [email protected]

If you are looking to get a personal psychic reading, by me Jorianne The Coffee Psychic,  you can call me at 219-940-9292.  We.look forward to seeing you tonight.