Our guest today is a Rabbi raised in Kharkiv, Ukraine from the age of 6 months, it’s pretty much all he’s known.

Rabbi Mendel Moskovitz moved there with his parents as a baby as his family serve as Chabad emissaries to rebuild Jewish life in Kharkiv, following the fall of Communism.
Graduating as a rabbi in Sydney, Australia, Rabbi Moskovitz returned home with his wife, Chani.

There he raised three children, and served as a Rabbi to Ukrainian youth for 7 years, until war changed everything. 
Now he is ambassador to The Jewish Relief Network Ukraine.

He highlights acute Jewish suffering to the world and raising funds for the incredible work being done by Chabad to provide vital humanitarian relief. 

JRNU is the umbrella organization for operations in Ukraine, providing food, medicine and medical care, housing and even security. 

Donate now at www.JRNU.org

Through 48 regional coordinators and staff on the ground in 35 cities, JRNU is serving people too frail to flee, those who are otherwise unable to flee, and those who refuse to leave behind a husband, child, father or other loved one.

Without a working economy, unemployment is at an astronomical rate and tens of thousands of people rely on JRNU each week for basic necessities. 

By donating at jrnu.org or by following the link in the podcast description, you can send desperately needed money to support ongoing work in Ukraine.

If you run a community, please think about magnifying JRNU’s voice in the to reach more caring and concerned individuals who may support the work of Rabbi Moskovitz and the Chabad efforts in Ukraine, who could even come and talk in your community.

Donate now www.JRNU.org