Today’s episode is a detailed media briefing by both the IDF and Israeli police BEFORE the assembled journalists distilled what was said to the public.

Israel’s latest Gaza conflict lasted eleven brutal days but tragically, there’s no sign it’ll be the last.

Israel’s citizens endured a pace and ferocity of Hamas rockets unprecedented in the four conflicts dating back to 2008.

Yet over 90% of the 4,200 murderous missiles were shot out of the sky by the Iron Dome radar defence system.

According to the IDF, 680 of the rockets fired from Gaza actually landed inside the strip, an astonishing 16%, putting their own citizens at the same risk as Israel’s.

It’s also been horrifying for the Jewish diaspora, facing hordes of thugs loudhailing murderous intimidation at Jewish people from their cars and fighting on the streets of Europe and North America.

And for the first time, Israel’s war was fought on both sides of its border with Gaza as Israeli Arabs rioted.

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Israel’s disengagement and withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 was a unilateral dismantling of 21 towns with complete evacuation of Israeli citizens and the IDF.

But this latest round of the conflict had quite a different feel. A more urgent one felt worldwide.

Snarling antisemitism was ramped up and agitated by convoys of cars draped with Palestinian flags driving, hooting and loudhailing calls for murder and rape of children through Jewish areas of London.

A Met police officer was caught siding with protestors even as they were confronted and attacked by those also making up the same protest.

And football’s authorities looked on as Wembley’s prestigious FA Cup Final witnessed players showing off a Palestinian flag at the same time as the Met contained violence in the West End.

And because that wasn’t called out, the same happened at Manchester United as a small post-pandemic crowd handed World Cup winner Paul Pogba the same flag to show the Premier League’s worldwide viewers the state of English football.

An identifiable Aston Villa steward was seen posing with Anwar El Ghazi inside Villa Park after the last game of the season against Chelsea.

Blue tick influencers cheer-led the terror giving it a sheen of legitimacy and respectability.

Clashes happened inside Israeli cities between Jews and Arabs. Disturbances and demonstrations with the added shock of a synagogue burned down by rioters in Lod - not Łódź.

This was a whole new challenge to the IDF, Shabak (or Shin Bet homeland security) and of course, the Israel Police.

Gaza’s indiscriminate rockets, designed to destroy Israel’s Jews also actually killed Muslim Arabs, a Hindu carer for the elderly and rural agricultural workers from Thailand.

Israel is bracing itself post-ceasefire for the stash of Hamas and Islamic Jihad’ rockets and mortars unspent. There are many, many thousands left. IDF intelligence reckons about 8,700.

🎙This is a Ministry of Foreign Affairs' news conference featuring IDF Spokesman, Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus and Police spokesman, Micky Rosenfeld with assembled media representing UK and US media - including Jonny Gould’s Jewish State.

With thanks to Ohad Zemet at the Embassy in London.

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