Michelle “Mo” Barrett launched her distinguished career as a successful failure at the Air Force Academy, persevering after becoming the first member of her pilot training class to receive a grade of “Unsatisfactory.”

As an Air Force pilot, she flew the Alenia C-27A throughout Central and South America, then moved to Northern California to fly the Lockheed C-5 around the globe. After 9/11, Mo deployed with a small team to bare bases in Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, converting them from austere fields to airlift hubs.

Mo has dealt with the shame, stigma, struggle and success of being a life-long non-conformist and lesbian in the military’s structured environment. She retired as a Colonel after a 25-year Air Force career leveraging hard work and an ability to view the world through lenses of humor, optimism and perspective.

She has survived and thrived as a multi-minority and connects with audiences of all ages and walks of life. Mo uses her contagious energy to chart a course for people who want to laugh, learn and think!

Mo Barrett Online:

Web: mobarrett.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LaughLearnThink/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grinninb/
Podcast: https://www.facebook.com/themoandkatyshow

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