Ryan Nee returns for part 2 of his conversation with Jon of All Trades, and this week’s episode picks up right where the previous one left off. Ryan shares a story about visiting his brother Bill in Chile, and describes an impromptu adventure visiting an active volcano, and then sledding back downhill for several miles,...

Ryan Nee returns for part 2 of his conversation with Jon of All Trades, and this week’s episode picks up right where the previous one left off. Ryan shares a story about visiting his brother Bill in Chile, and describes an impromptu adventure visiting an active volcano, and then sledding back downhill for several miles, that gave him the travel bug.

From there, we delve into Ryan’s year-long solo adventure through Asia and Europe, and spend a great deal of time talking about what might be Ryan’s most unusual (at least by Western standards) travel… his trip to North Korea. Ryan spent a week in the world’s most reclusive and repressive country, and some of his insights are surprising.

Before you listen to this episode, I highly encourage you to read Ryan’s excellent piece on Medium.com that chronicles every aspect of his travel there. It’s a part of the world few of us will ever see, but after reading this piece, and listening to Ryan’s chat on Jon of All Trades, I think we’ll all have greater insight into North Korea. You better get it while you can, since one of the requirements of entering North Korea is asserting that you’re not a journalist and won’t write about the experience. So Ryan is likely banned from the country.

The episode also touches on exploring your own country, your own city, the annoyance of slack-jawed tourists traipsing around large cities, and a ton more digressions. Just like last week, this is mostly just a fun hangout with two guys who enjoy travel. Although Ryan is sometimes hesitant to discuss it. He shares why in this week’s episode.

If you missed last week’s episode, you can find it here.

If you missed my conversation about China with Ryan’s brother William, you can find that episode here.

You can follow Ryan on Twitter.

And you can download Jon of All Trades on iTunes and Stitcher.

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