Jonathan Stine is someone I met because our kids became friends in preschool. Turned out we had a lot in common, and the two of us and our two wives hit it off pretty much immediately. When we’d have parties, he’d ask my friends weird questions like, “Which insurance company do you have?” For the...

Jonathan Stine is someone I met because our kids became friends in preschool. Turned out we had a lot in common, and the two of us and our two wives hit it off pretty much immediately. When we’d have parties, he’d ask my friends weird questions like, “Which insurance company do you have?” For the briefest of moments, I thought he was some sort of broker, which I found to be unspeakably tacky. But there was a reason for this line of questioning, and it’s actually a public service.

Jonathan is Managing Partner at The Paul Wilkinson Law Firm, a personal injury firm (and one you’ll even see on TV sometimes if you live in the Denver area). If you don’t know much about personal injury law – I certainly didn’t before knowing and now interviewing Jon – I can probably guess what your immediate perception of them is. And that’s one of the reasons I was so excited to have Jon on my show. We talk about what necessitates the existence of personal injury attorneys, put the shoe on the other foot and discuss at length the vast resources large corporations and big insurance agencies have at their disposal to get out of paying what they owe to people they’ve wronged, what questions to ask a personal injury attorney you’re considering, and a ton more. It’s wildly insightful.

We also get into Jon’s personal journey a bit – why he got into law, why he chose personal injury as his eventual specialty, a few cases he’s won, and his prowess at beer pong. We share some whiskey, I ask him some pointy questions, he drops a ton of knowledge, and this is one of my favorite episodes of recent memory. I walked away with a ton of new insight, and I know you will, too.

Visit The Paul Wilkinson Law Firm’s website here.

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