In the film Cam, an erotic webcam performer seeks success, but one day finds her online identity hijacked and seems bent on destroying her life. It’s a movie that works both as a thriller, and as a commentary of how we construct our digital identity and where and how that identity intersects with our real lives. It’s...

In the film Cam, an erotic webcam performer seeks success, but one day finds her online identity hijacked and seems bent on destroying her life. It’s a movie that works both as a thriller, and as a commentary of how we construct our digital identity and where and how that identity intersects with our real lives. It’s wildly entertaining, thoroughly engrossing, and sparked a lot of questions in my head. As a bonus, I really had no idea where it was going as I watched it, and I enjoyed the ride greatly.

I was lucky enough to sit down with writer Isa Mazzei, and director Daniel Goldhaber to discuss their movie, the politics around it, and working with Blumhouse Productions. The conversation was fantastic as we talked about Isa’s own history as a cam girl, how we as a society could treat sex workers better, how the movie came together, and a ton more. For instance, I never knew about the phenomenon of “swatting,” but Daniel and Isa give me the download and it’s thoroughly unnerving and an indictment of how poorly equipped law enforcement are in dealing with cyber crimes, and cyberspace in general. It’s a loaded 45 minutes, and both Isa and Daniel have compelling opinions on a massive range of issues. I highly encourage you to check out their film after giving this interview a listen.

It’s coming to Netflix on November 16, so checking it out should be easy! If you’re in the Denver area, it’s also coming to the Sloan’s Lake Alamo Drafthouse on November 30.

You can download this episode on iTunes, stream it on Stitcher, or listen at the Jon of All Trades homepage.

The Jon of All Trades Podcast is a proud member of the Denver Podcast Network.

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