Britta Erickson is Director of the Denver Film Festival, and has been for the last 11 years. She got her start at the Denver Film Festival in 1999, as part of a two-month contract. 20 years later, here she is running things. On this week’s show we go behind the scenes of the Festival talking...

Britta Erickson is Director of the Denver Film Festival, and has been for the last 11 years. She got her start at the Denver Film Festival in 1999, as part of a two-month contract. 20 years later, here she is running things.

On this week’s show we go behind the scenes of the Festival talking about how many submissions they get, what’s changed since she started, what kinds of immersive experiences you can have, and a ton more. She is all things DFF41, and this is as good a primer as you’re going to get before the Festival starts. You can get tickets right here.

This is always my favorite time of year for the show, and that’s largely thanks to Neil Truglio who is like the Platonic ideal of a publicity manager in that he makes my job insanely easy, gets me access to incredible and diverse talent, and plies me with content that is unparalleled. It’s thrilling to go behind the scenes at such a cool event, and this is but the kickoff to a couple of weeks worth of amazing content.

A few links before we get started:

We talk a little bit about the 48 Hour Film Project I wrote this year called “If It Bleeds,” which won Best Editing and Best Ensemble Cast at this year’s screening. You can find it here. I’ll tell you it’s funny, but I also co-wrote it, so my word may be biased.
Once again, you can get tickets to the Denver Film Festival here.
For easy reference, you can find all my #DFF41 shows at this tab on the website. There will plenty to come here.
As always, this show is available on iTunes, Stitcher or the Jon of All Trades homepage.
The Jon of All Trades Podcast is a proud member of the Denver Podcast Network.