JFKN ep. #31 12/02/19
Thanksgiving is over and that means its consumer, I mean Christmas season. This time of year always brings out the best in people. Fist fighting for bargain prices on things they don’t really need. I didn’t see the usual amount of fights on my timelines this year. Are fewer people doing the Black Friday sales stuff this year or are they not fighting? Maybe cyber Monday has taken some of the need away from going to the store location and fighting to the death for a toaster. Did you see any good scraps? Send links!


⬇️My Book⬇️
Failing Upward/Death by Ego
https://amzn.to/2UWh4IW - kindle

https://amzn.to/2EIzgAS - paperback

💀Jon Fitch and FitchSMASH Gear Sold Here💀