Join me in this week’s Author Diary as I dive deep into writing "The Knight and the Rebel," the third book in the Ravenglass Legends series, and share a bit about family time watching a captivating TV show.

🖋️ Focused Writing on "The Knight and the Rebel":
This week has been solely dedicated to writing the first draft of "The Knight and the Rebel," Ravenglass Legends book 3. It's been an intense and productive week with a significant 21,000 words added, bringing me a third of the way into Ragnar's POV. The story is taking shape in exciting ways, and I'm thrilled with the progress.

🐲 Watching "Dragon Prince" with My Son:
In the midst of a busy writing schedule, I found time to relax and enjoy the first season of "Dragon Prince" with my son. It's been a wonderful experience to share this adventure-filled show together, and it's always special to find a series that appeals to both of us.

As I continue forging ahead with "The Knight and the Rebel," I’m looking forward to more writing breakthroughs and family moments like these.