Join me in this week’s Author Diary where I share updates on writing "Punks Versus Zombies," delve into the history of DJing through a fascinating book, and revisit a classic zombie film.

📝 "Punks Versus Zombies" Updates:

This week has been productive with the addition of two new episodes to the "Punks Versus Zombies" series. Each episode brings its own set of intriguing challenges and exciting developments in this thrilling zombie narrative.

📚 Reading & Inspiration:

Reading: My current read is "Last Night a DJ Saved My Life," an engaging exploration of the history of DJing. It offers an enlightening perspective on music culture and its societal impact.

Film: I rewatched "Zombieland" for the first time since its initial release. Revisiting this iconic zombie film was a real treat, reminding me of the creative and humorous ways the genre can be explored.

These varied experiences – from writing my own zombie serial to reading about DJs and rewatching "Zombieland" – provide a rich tapestry of inspiration and entertainment, feeding into my creative process.

Feel free to share your thoughts on "Punks Versus Zombies," or discuss your favorite books on music, and movies like "Zombieland." Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more updates from my author’s journey and cultural explorations!

#PunksVersusZombies #AuthorDiary #DJCulture #LastNightADJSavedMyLife #Zombieland #WritingUpdates #MusicHistory #FilmRewatch #CreativeWriting #StorytellingInsights