Welcome to this week's Author Diary, where I share my progress with "Punks Versus Zombies" and the importance of rest, especially when under the weather.

πŸ–‹οΈ Progress on "Punks Versus Zombies":

This week, I focused on developing "Punks Versus Zombies." Despite the challenges of feeling unwell, I managed to make some headway with this exciting project. I'm eager to share more about the developments.

πŸ€’ Battling a Cold:

Unfortunately, I caught a cold, which meant I had to slow down and prioritise rest. This week has been a reminder of the importance of listening to our bodies and taking the necessary time to recover.

πŸ›Œ The Importance of Rest:

Being unwell has highlighted the need for rest and self-care, especially in creative professions. It's crucial to balance work with health and well-being.

Next week, I'm looking forward to getting back on track with "Punks Versus Zombies" and sharing more updates with you all.

Feel free to share your own experiences with balancing health and work, or any tips you have for staying creative while recovering from an illness. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for weekly insights into my author's journey!

#PunksVersusZombies #AuthorDiary #CreativeProcess #SelfCare #RestAndRecovery #WritingWhileSick #AuthorLife #CreativeChallenges #HealthInCreativity #BookSeries