📚 Welcome to this week's Author Diary! 📚

It's been a week full of writing, refining, and some fascinating reading. Join me as I delve into the progress of my current projects, tackle the art of book descriptions, and explore intriguing new literary horizons.

What's in Store This Week:

🔪 Working on "Scoundrels"

I've been immersed in developing my thief fantasy novel, "Scoundrels." This novel is a prequel to "Dawn of Assassins," featuring the same beloved characters but set before the events of the original story.

📘 Crafting the Book Description for "The Fall of Wolfsbane"

Condensing a 108,000-word novel into a 120-word book description is no small feat! This week, I've been chiselling away at the book description for "The Fall of Wolfsbane." I'll discuss the challenges of distilling a complex narrative into a brief yet compelling summary.

📖 Reading Highlights

My reading list this week has been quite diverse. I've dived into "TerrorTome" by Garth Marenghi, a horror parody novel that's as entertaining as it is clever, and "Mud Ride" by Steve Turner, an exploration of the grunge band Mudhoney. I'll share my thoughts on these reads and how they've influenced my thinking.

🌑 Discovering Nobledark Fantasy

I've recently stumbled upon the fantasy sub-genre 'nobledark.' This discovery has been a revelation, as it perfectly encapsulates the thematic essence of my writing: flawed heroes navigating tough circumstances guided by their personal moral compasses. I'll talk about how this genre resonates with my work and my future explorations in this realm.