Welcome to this week's Author Diary! 📚

It's been another action-packed week in my writing world, filled with progress, creativity, and some intriguing learning experiences. Let's dive into all the updates and explorations of the past week.

What's Inside This Episode:

🧟 "Punks Versus Zombies" - New Episodes!

Exciting news for fans of "Punks Versus Zombies" - I've written two more episodes! The story continues to evolve, and I can't wait to share these latest instalments with you. Get ready for more action, drama, and suspense in the world where punks clash with the undead.

🗡️ "Guild of Assassins" - Responding to Feedback

Based on some valuable feedback, I've added an extra chapter to "Guild of Assassins." Crafting a story that resonates with readers is a journey, and I'm dedicated to making each chapter as engaging as possible. I'll discuss how feedback influences my writing process and the importance of staying adaptable.

📖 Redrafting "Ravenglass Legends Book 2"

The journey continues with the redraft of "Ravenglass Legends Book 2." Delving back into this world is always an adventure, and I'm making steady progress. Join me as I share some behind-the-scenes insights into the redrafting process and how the story is shaping up.

🎧 Podcast and Learning Insights

This week, I've been engrossed in the "Tales from the Rabbit Hole" podcast, exploring the fascinating world of conspiracy theories. Additionally, I've been listening to the Great Courses lectures on Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories. It's been an enlightening experience, and I'll share how these topics have sparked new ideas and influenced my thinking.

🔗 Stay Connected and Engaged

To catch up on my stories and for more exciting content, visit https://joncronshawauthor.substack.com

👍 If you enjoy these weekly glimpses into my author's life, please like, share, and subscribe. Your support is invaluable!

Thank you for tuning in, and I look forward to sharing more adventures with you next week in the world of writing and storytelling!

#AuthorsDiary #PunksVersusZombies #GuildOfAssassins #RavenglassLegends #WritingJourney #Podcasts #ConspiracyTheories #WritingCommunity #AuthorLife