Hello from sunny Morecambe!

Last week, I found myself overwhelmed by too many open projects, a struggle I shared with you all.

But then, as if by some cosmic joke, inspiration struck and I started a new project—a space opera with fantasy elements, set in the far future of my existing universe.

I outlined a trilogy and even wrote the first draft of a novella.

The words flowed and new worlds unfolded in my mind, sparking an excitement I couldn't resist.

I continued reading the Horus Heresy series, immersing myself in "Mark of Calth" and "Vulkan Lives."

Then a new thriller, "Fearless" by M. W. Craven, caught my eye and added a different flavour to my literary journey.

Outside the world of words, I'm excited about something very special happening on Saturday.

I'll be taking part in the Cross-Bay Walk to raise money for Galloway's Society for the Blind.

It's a walk over Morecambe Bay when the tide is out, and it promises to be an incredible experience.

I invite you to support this noble cause on my Facebook page @joncronshawauthor.

And lastly, if you're curious about my works, you can get early access to future stories on my Substack @joncronshawauthor

. I hope to see you there, joining me in this ever-unfolding adventure.