Welcome to Jon’s author diary for the week ending February 14, 2021.

It has been a busy week. I’ve written the first chapter to my next novel, working title Dawn of Assassins. I had February 22 down on my calendar to start this one, but I couldn’t wait to get going!

Throughout January and the first week I’ve February I wrote a short prequel novel and a short story to help me get the characters’ voices and motivations feeling real before I started writing the main series.

It’s set in the same universe as The Ravenglass Chronicles. Time has moved on a few hundred years, so the technology and society have progressed, and the city of Nordturm is much larger than it was in the original series.

It follows the life of a thief called Fedor who is dragged into the dark world of assassins. You can expect the wyverns, ravenglass magic system, and parallel worlds you saw in The Ravenglass Chronicles, but with the emphasis on Nordturm’s criminals rather than a spoilt princess.

I’m really excited about the story and my hope is that you’ll come along for the ride.