Welcome to Jon's author diary for the week ending October 4, 2020.

It’s been a mixed bag of the week. I’ve been working on Judgement, which is the penultimate episode of The Ravenglass Chronicles.

I’m pulling together all the story threads for the final episode. I had hoped to have finished the series by now, but 2020 has thrown everyone’s plans asunder it would seem.

Although we’re in local lockdown, we did manage to celebrate our son’s eighth birthday with Super Mario LEGO and a trip to Blackpool.

If you listen to my Author Diary podcast, you’ll know that we scrambled before the local lockdown came in to make sure he had a birthday party with his best friends.

This year’s been hard enough for the kids, and I was determined to make his birthday as fun as it could be given the circumstances.

Over the past few weeks we’ve been watching the His Dark Materials TV series on BBC iPlayer, which is tremendous. Although we’ve watched movies and TV shows as a family before, we’ve never watched anything like a long-form drama together, so it was really nice to cuddle up on the sofa and watch with my guide dog keeping my feet warm.

Finally, The Sun, episode 19 of The Ravenglass Chronicles, is now available. Click HERE to grab your copy.