4am CAB Presents… Joking Around – One man’s journey into stand up comedy, from page to stage and beyond. Episode 72 – Merry Christmas 2016 It’s the end of he year and what better way to finish than with another jaunt at … Continue reading →

4am CAB Presents…

Joking Around – One man’s journey into stand up comedy, from page to stage and beyond.

Episode 72 – Merry Christmas 2016

It’s the end of he year and what better way to finish than with another jaunt at Comedy in The Crown?!  I’m on MCing duties, there were ups and downs and a particularly good start to the second half with a roaring finale.  Light the Yule Log and pour yourself a glass of Baileys whilst nibbling on a mince pie… it’s the last Joking Around of the year.

Next year, I’ll change the intro to this blurb so that it gets right to the heart without that annoying and out dated Ones man’s journey bollocks… (oh yeah, there’s a bit of swearing in this one too – sorry)