4am CAB Presents… Joking Around – One man’s journey into stand up comedy, from page to stage and beyond. Episode 61 – Edfringe 2016 Part 1 The build up to this has been a long time in the making, finally … Continue reading →

4am CAB Presents…

Joking Around – One man’s journey into stand up comedy, from page to stage and beyond.

Episode 61 – Edfringe 2016 Part 1

The build up to this has been a long time in the making, finally Edfringe 2016 is here.  This is not the first time I’ve been to the festival but it is the first time I’ve performed there.  Before all that though, I give myself the briefest of flavours of what is to come by doubling up on a Tuesday night (doing two gigs in one night).  Then it’s Scotland ahoy.

This episode was over double the length of even my longest one, so I’ve split it conveniently down the middle.  Here is Edfringe 2016, day one.