Previous Episode: Ep26 – Comedy in the Yurt
Next Episode: Ep28 – Larks

4am CAB Presents… Joking Around – One man’s journey into stand up comedy, from page to stage and beyond. Episode 27 – 30 Something So I’ve been busy.  That’s why there’s a been a little gap between the last and … Continue reading →

4am CAB Presents…

Joking Around – One man’s journey into stand up comedy, from page to stage and beyond.

Episode 27 – 30 Something

So I’ve been busy.  That’s why there’s a been a little gap between the last and this episode.  Comedy in the Yurt is going really well and I’ve been plodding along doing a few gigs here and there.  Two new venues this time, The Panda Rumble at The Duke of Hamilton and the first round heat of So You Think You’re Funny at the brilliant Backyard Comedy Club.  I’m back.