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Life’s A Game Podcast 17 – Melty Princess Super Deluxe Champions 2


English - August 23, 2012 23:05
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The Life’s A Game Podcast has somehow made it a whole year, and so we celebrate hardcore with some Gamescom discussions, more pitches than you can shake a greenlight at and a few moments that cross the line, even for us. Yet, that’s not all there is to see here, folks! Did you know you [...]

The Life’s A Game Podcast has somehow made it a whole year, and so we celebrate hardcore with some Gamescom discussions, more pitches than you can shake a greenlight at and a few moments that cross the line, even for us.

Yet, that’s not all there is to see here, folks!

Did you know you can subscribe via iTunes by clicking this handy red-text hyperlink? Well, you can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes via this handy red-text hyperlink! The more you know!

One of the few people in the world without an iPod? Restrained yourself from the Apple hordes? Can’t be arsed downloading it from the site via the handy image at the top and the opening hyperlink that you probably didn’t even know let you download the show until I just told you that? Well, why don’t you just stream it online like all the other cool kids do? It’s a thing you can do!

Celebrating A Whole Year Of Podcasting Gold, It’s…

Edward Price

The creator of this site and host of this podcast, he’s somehow managed to keep this going for a whole year now without people either abandoning him en-masse or usurping his position. So… good for him. Someone send him Mentos as a celebration. Go on. Do it.

Twitter – @Jokesound

Gaminglives Page – Edward

Richie Harkness

Creator of The 80s Movie Club, might be on a mission to get me arrested or have things thrown at me in the street because of all the horrendous stuff he says on the podcast that I then willingly keep in.

The 80s Movie Club – Films!

Gaminglives Page – Richie

Keegan Spindler

Long time listener, first time guest, this Keegan fellow is a ridiculously tall and amicable South African man who likes dressing up as Nightwing and beating up people in line for Assassin’s Creed. Or something, I was only half listening if I’m honest.

Twitter – @McDoodle42

Gaminglives Page – Keegan

Ric Cowley

Creator of Signposted Disaster and Heavy Rain apologist. Insists that Train Simulator 2013 was his game of Gamescom, but because of his ecletric taste in games, we’re genuinely unsure if he’s joking or absolutely serious.

Twitter – @TehRicass

Signposted Disaster –

Nuthin’ Else To Do –

Gaminglives Page -Ric

Anniversary Discussions Include…

- Pitch Time(TM)! This time, the gang have to pitch a movie or game based on the Life’s A Game Podcast itself! Totally meta all up in this.

- Our games of Gamescom are discussed at length, including Injustice, Dishonoured and Train Simulator 2013 (no, really), how to be a real journalist at Gamescom, and that thing we do that is what we’ve been playing recently, like the newly released Sleeping Dogs.

- We laugh at Rockstar’s image distribution model for GTAV and the amount of people losing their collective shit over it, Richie calls out journalists who claimed GTA IV was the best ever, and Saints Row the Third is championed.

- Ed laments the continued delay of The Walking Dead episode 3, and Richie surprises us all with his opinions on the zombie point and click series. No, really.

- The cloud-streaming service Onlive is being dragged over a jagged cliff-face at the moment, prompting us to look over its launch and why Richie believes the console could never achieve true stardom.

- Minutes of our lives are spent trying to reword the Safety Dance so it’s about trains instead.

- The Vita’s ongoing lacklustre sales (selling 2 million units in six months, versus the widely publicised ‘badly selling’ 3DS’s 7 million units in that same timeframe) prompt extensive scrutiny over the console itself and the company’s business practices. Ric claims that the upcoming “Until Dawn” will be the Move’s saving grace, and this somehow results in yet another argument between Ed and Ric over Heavy Rain’s quality. No, I don’t know how either.

- Ric follows this up with a massive rant on the Vita, causing Richie to join in as well, only for Ed to decide he’s part of the cool kids club and starts slating Sony All-Stars Battle Royale.

- We pitch potential new franchises for Sony to invent to encourage sales of the Vita, and all it takes is Richie’s pitch to escalate the situation to a point where I’m legitimately sure we’ve either crossed a line, said something completely illegal, or both. Either way, wow.

- The podcast starts winding down, and that time is used to snipe at what we consider to be poor games journalistic practices, because we’re at that point where we’re clearly better than everyone else and have to prove it by sniping at people we consider beneath us.

- Then we end with our favourite things about us, because Ed fancies a bit of sycophancy seeing as it’s the one year anniversary of Life’s A Game in podcast form. With that backfiring hilariously, we stick with the recommendations of the show and prepare for the inevitable future.

Life’s A Game will be back soon. I keep trying to give a vague release window, but honestly your bet’s as good as ours by this point.

Back soon <3


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