State of the Sitcom continues...

The miniseries takes a break from stateside sitcoms & brings the focus to a little flat in North London.

In our fourth adventure we're joined by @Chris Johnston, the superbly prolific host of Easy Riders Raging Podcast and The Spielberg Pod to discuss the UK cult classic, Spaced.

Quoting the show as if we're its main characters, our passion for this unsung slice of comedy fried gold is evident from the start as we break down why it was so important to us, how it transformed the landscape of British comedy and what the wider cultural impact of Edgar Wright, Jessica Hynes & Simon Pegg's homage-o-meter truly is.

Tune in next week for more special guests who seek to pop 'Inside' the deeper moments in sitcom history!

Happy Sitcom-ing,

JoJ x

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