If you are going to do Joint Ventures, you better make friends with your telephone. I've been using cold calling pretty effectively over the last 15 years for many of my selling activities. And it's what I call pounding the phones. It has been one of my most effective methods for selling. But I hate it for the same reasons most people hate selling by phone.

I am very fortunate to have just found a radically new honest sales approach based on integrity and common sense to get clients by phone. It challenges traditional sales thinking and will help you achieve better results. It's the missing link -- a new mindset and language that converts selling by phone into a natural conversation between you and your prospect. It offers you a new way of thinking about cold calling -- the most dreaded selling experience of all -- to the end of the sales process. You don't have to abandon the selling skills you already know -- This interview will give you a new approach and new tools to help you get better results. It's incredibly effective.

Best of all, it's easy to learn and you can start instantly. In this interview, you'll learn how to make less calls - and get better results. Rip up your sales script and easily get your message across. Change from the "Dreaded Salesperson" to a trusted advisor in a matter of minutes. Get rid of your "Fear of Phone" once and for all. Stop chasing prospects and gain the respect you deserve.

This is an exclusive interview from Michael Senoff at www.hardtofindseminars.com.